Hi guys! I'm Maria, the translator of the LAST week (yes, the last, unfortunately).
These are the concepts that we have chosen for this task. I hope to write again on this blog in a future!
It's has been a pleasure for me :')
Learning organization: Organization that acquires knowledge and innovates enough to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. It supports learn from experience and experiment, stimulate improvement initiatives, allow mistakes, and work together to learn the knowledge shared among all.
Horizontal learning: Professional learning about developing competencies responding effectively and constructively to conflict, or increasing technical expertise. It represents the knowledge and skills and development each particular level of cognitive, emotional, and relational complexity.
Vertical learning: Professional learning about the development, transformation and increase of both mental complexity and emotional intelligence.
Departments: basic types of organization responsible for developing their own teaching areas, subjects or modules that are assigned to them.
Team teaching: involves a group of teachers with the purpose of working cooperatively to help a group of students of any age learn. Teachers together set goals for a course, design a syllabus, prepare individual lesson plans, teach students, and evaluate the results. Also, it allows for more interaction between teachers and students.
Hi everybody! I'm Mari Carmen, the translator of the Fluffy Guardians this week!
In this task, we have learned 4 types of leaderships.
These are the five key words that I have chosen:
Leader: It is a person or group that guide, control or influence people to obtain a goal. The leader goes first and leads so that others are motivated to follow him/her. A leader can act in many ways and some of them are: Authoritarian, transactional, participative or transformational.
Authoritarian leader: An authoritarian leader makes decisions and establishes norms without consulting the others opinion. This kind of leader is insensitive, racist and he thinks that he must force people to work and be productive.
Transactional leader: A transactional leader motivates workers by offering rewards so for them it's easier to do what leaders want. This model can have two different dimensions: ideographic that consists on the needs of the individuals and the nomothetic that are the goals of the organization. Transactional leadership reflects the reality of the workplace and it's the predominant model in most organizations, including public schools.
Hello everybody I am Pepe and I am the translator this week! We performed and recorded some aspects in school.
These are the words of this week:
Trash television: TV shows with vulgar content that adds nothing
Bullying: series of insults, violence and harassment that occurs between students, usually teenagers.
TADH: Disorder whose main sympton is lack of attention
Filming: the process of shooting a film
Film director: A person who controls and directs a movie (own definition)
Hi everyone! I am Teresa and the translator of this week! This week have been the most funny as we have worked with video editors, costumes, acting... These are the words of this week.
Chroma: is a technique used in cinematography and consist of extracting a color and replacing it with an image.
Set: is the place where a movie or a television program is filmed. (own definition)
Roleplay: we use the term roleplay when someone change their behaviour to interpret a role or a character assigned.
Teleprompter: is a machine which has a text previously prepared that allows someone to make direct contact with the audence with no need of looking down to the paper sheet in order to not forget anything.
Bloopers: The scenes on a film or a television program where the actor make an embarrasing mistake and they have to remake the scene. This scenes usually appears at the end of the show. (own definition)
Thanks for reading and see you next week!
Published by: Teresa
Hello! I am
Victoria and this week I am the translator of the group! As this task was about
making a summary about all we have learnt, I will write some key words that I
think, that are important in each task.
TPACK: is the acronym of 'Technological Pedagogical and
Content Knowledge'. It identifies the different types of knowledge that a
teacher has to know, to take into
account ICT in a good way.
MAP PROJECTION: Is the technique to represent on a flat map, the Earth's curved shape. The Earth surface is put into a plane 2 dimensional image for a better understanding of it.
FOOD CHAIN: It shows series of living things in which each one uses the next lower member of the series as a source of food and energy in a particular environment or habitat. It is formed by producers (plants), consumers (animals), and decomposers (fungus and bacteria).
CREATIVE COMMONS: is a non-profit organization devoted to creating licenses that allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators.
TIMELINE: Type of representation of events in which these events are put in a chronological order, mainly using a linear scale, where the distance among events are proportional to its distance along the time. It is usually chosen to facilitate students know the chronology of historical facts.
TEXTBOOKS: A book that contains information about a specific subject for people who are studying that.
Thank you for reading! Have a nice weekend!
Published by Victoria.
Hello! I'm Jesús and this week I'm the translator. Here there are some key words I think it will be good to define:
Infographic: Resource used to simplify a huge amount of data in a grafic format in order to make it easy to understand. Traffic signs and weather charts are examples of infographics.
Timeline: Type of representation of events in which these events are put in a chronological order, mainly using a linear scale, where the distance among events are proportional to its distance along the time. It is usually chosen to facilitate students know the chronology of historical facts.
Textbook: A book that contains information about a specific subject for people who are studying that.
Textbook publishing: Industry which produce textbooks trying to provide teachers the material they need for their courses, revising it on short periodes of time. It is probably the most profitable section of the publishing industry.
ICT (information and communications technology): Term that includes any communication device or application related to television, mobile phones, computers... usually used in a particular context, such as education.
Hi everyone! I am Mari Carmen, the translator this week.
These are the five key words that I have chosen:
SLIDE SHARE: is a web where people can upload and share their works, for example a power point, a pdf or other types of documents publicly or privately. This website allows users to mark and comment the presentations. It is considered one of the best tools for education.
CREATIVE COMMONS: It’s a type of license that permits people to use and share materials published by other people through free legal tools. It can be pictures, music or articles. Some websites that contain these materials are Flickr and Pixabay.
TIPS: This term is refered to the advices that someone can give us to do something in the best way. For example, this week we have developed a video for each role, Curators, Journalists, Analysts, Facilitators, Translators and Stars with the tips that we should follow to be the best each week.
SLIDE SHOW: is a presentation of a series of pictures or information, arranged in sequences and dedicated to an audience. It is often displayed on a projection screen using programs such as Power point.
COPYRIGHT: It is the legal right of an author, composer or distributor to sell, edit, reproduce or use a book, a song or an image. This person is the only one that is able to do it and if another person wants to have access to this, maybe will have to pay some money to the owner.
AND if you want to know HOW TO BE THE BEST TRANSLATOR, go to see this video!
Enjoy it!
AND if you want to know HOW TO BE THE BEST TRANSLATOR, go to see this video!
Enjoy it!
- FOOD CHAIN: It shows series of living things in which each one uses the next lower member of the series as a source of food and energy in a particular environment or habitat. It is formed by producers (plants), consumers (animals), and decomposers (fungus and bacteria).
An example of the food chain's process
- HERBIVORES: organisms that are adapted to eating plant material. Some herbivores only consume part of the plant, such as the fruit, leaves, nectar, seeds, or bark. Other herbivores consume multiple plant components.They digest the carbohydrates produced by the plant.
An example of a herbivore animal
- CARNIVORES: organisms that obtain their energy and nutrients killing and eating other animals. Carnivores can eat herbivores, omnivores, and occasionally other carnivores.
An example of carnivores animals
- OMNIVORES: organisms that obtain energy and nutrients from a variety of food sources that include plants, animals, algae, fungi, and bacteria. Unlike herbivores, omnivores can't digest some of the substances in grains or other plants that do not produce fruit. Some of the insect omnivores are pollinators, which are very important to the life cycle of some kinds of plants.
An example of an omnivore animal
- CREATIVE COMMONS: is a non-profit organization devoted to creating licenses that allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators.
Logo's Creative Commons
- SLIDE SHOW: is a presentation of a serie of pictures or information, arranged in sequences and dedicated to an audience. It is often displayed on a projection screen.
An example of a slide show. It presents the Power Point's programme
P.S: All images of this post are taken from public domain
Published by: María Romera
- MAP PROJECTION: Is the technique to represent on a flat map, the Earth's curved shape. The Earth surface is put into a plane 2 dimensional image for a better understanding of it.
Example of a map projection where the reference surface with geographic coordinates (f,l) is projected onto the 2D mapping plane with 2D Cartesian coordinates (x, y). |
- ROBINSON'S MAP PROJECTION: Robinson, the creator of this map projection, called this the orthophanic projection (which means "right appearing"). It was specifically created in an attempt to find a good compromise to the problem of readily showing the whole globe as a flat image. The Earth is shown in a flattened ellipse. In this projection, both poles are distorted.
- MERCATOR'S MAP PROJECTION: It was created in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator to be useful to navigators. Rhumb lines (Lines of constant compass heading) are straight lines on this map. It's shape is cylindrical.This projection exaggerates areas far from the equator, the scale increases while you move far the equator.
- AZIMUTHAL'S MAP PROJECTION: The spherical shape of the Earth is projected onto a flat plane, this is why it's also called a plane projection. The poles are the "normal aspect" (the viewpoint or perspective). That is, the plane is normally placed above the north or south pole. Normally just only one hemisphere is showed.
- TREASURE HUNT: It is a game in which a person or a team try to be the first to find the answer to a given activity, using some clues. Nowadays, treasure hunts are commonly used for educational purposes, including the Internet.
Published by: Sara
- PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge about pedagogy, didactic and methods that every teacher should have. It's how the teacher shows the content to the students. For example if he or she uses a direct instruction, debates, class discussions, pedagogical methods, etc.
- CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: knowledge that the teacher must have and understand from their subject matter. For example a teacher of maths should know algebra and trigonometry among many other contents.
- TECHNOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE: It is related to which technology can use the teacher in class to make the contents more accesible to the students, for example with computers, digital boards or Google Drive.
- TPACK: It is a framework about what a teacher should know or do to be efficient. It is composed by the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge and the intersection between them.
- INFORMATION MAP: It is a method that allow us to organize the information in an organized and clear way. In it, you can use graphics or tables. We can find many types of information maps, for example spidergrams, bubble diagrams, concept maps, tree diagrams...
Published by: Pepe
Good, a bit scarce, but good. One important thing: what about your sources... these are all your ideas? or have you use any source for creating these?
ReplyDeleteSome of your definitions includes literary phrases form the Internet. This is considered on this course as a plagiarism. Therefore, the mark is a 0