
Complexity News video and Relationships in schools

Complexity News Video


Teacher-student connection
The teacher has to be able to stablish an effective and safe learning environment. Also the teacher has to develop a positive relationship with children.

EXAMPLE: When an interesting topic it’s explained; the teacher can create discussions. The children have to sit on a circle and the teacher is inside the circle holding a ball. If the teacher throws the ball to a student, this student has the opportunity to talk and share his opinion, so the learning would be mutual.

Connection with peers
Students are able to learn more when they are surrounded by a group than in an individual way. Cooperative work improves learning and a good relationship with peers, make the children more motivated to go to school.
Also peers can condition the school performance.

EXAMPLE: During the lessons, children can do work divided by groups so those with a lower school performance can learn and understand better the content as it is a cooperative work where they help each other.

Connection within the learning context
The teacher has to create a strong relationship in order to minimize the different conflicts that can arise. If the teacher creates a friendly environment, the learning would be better. Also it is good to step out the routine and teach in many different ways.

EXAMPLE: Go on trips occasionally, for not doing so monotonous lessons, and change the typical master class.

Connections beyond the classroom
Internet allows students to learn further than the walls of the classroom.

EXAMPLE: Schools can contact with others schools in foreign countries in order to establish connections between their students so they can talk via Internet (p.e skype) about different topics once a week.

Connections within learning
The process of individual learning involves making connections with what has already been experienced or is known by the learner.
 (The learner tries to make efficient use of their brain by connecting new information with what is already understood or known and then develops this further. Teachers use their knowledge of learning processes and of student interests and experiences to scaffold learning experiences to maximise understanding and mastery of concepts or skills. The process of learning and of knowledge creation involves connecting ideas, concepts, information or data.)

EXAMPLE: An student 3-year-old learn the numbers, then he learns how to add and substract once he knows the numbers and have that previous knowledge. The same occurs with multiplication and division.

This is our video, in which we show the five types of relationships that we can find at school.

Hope you like it, bye!



This is our newspaper. It belongs to our task 7: 'Complexity & relationships'. It is about interesting news about education from last year or this year. 
Hope you like reading it!!!


This is our video for the task 5 in which we have tried to summarize what we have learnt until now in the subject of scholar organization and educational resources.
Hope you like it!!


Our artefact for the task "The dark side of textbooks" is a Twitter timeline but in a cardboard. We thought it could be more original than only put the comments on Twitter so in the end we did that:


  1. Hi fluffys, I´m the journalis of loonatics, we really liked your video of this week, It was very funny when you presented yourselves, also the content was good, not too much information but clear. Despite not including recording you have transmit your mesagge well, hope you have luck fot the final scores!

    Best wishes,


    1. Hi, Loonatics! Thanks for your comment and also congratulations for your video! I loved when you put the teacher in your video, it was very original. We will improve week by week! Keep reading!
