Welcome to our blog!

A blog for documenting the work of our group in the course #SOyER16 at the UM.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Activities in task 2 and other interesting things

Hi! I am Mari Carmen and this week I am the journalist of the group.
Apart from the questions of maps projections, treasure hunt and media distortion that we have ansewered in the prensentation, the teacher also gave us two activities related with cartographic projections to helped us in our work. In the first activity, we had to fill the gaps with five words and these are the ones that we have chosen

A GLOBE is the only “perfect” representation of the Earth’s surface. All maps are distorted in four major ways. The four ways maps are distorted is by the SHAPE, SIZE, LATITUDE, and LONGITUDE of the landmasses being mapped. In order to make maps, projections must be made, and different projections require different distortions.



And in the second activity, we had to fill a table of the different maps projections and this table helped us to understand and know better the differences between the three types of maps projections.

To complete the gaps in the first activity we have found the information in this webpage:

And to complete the table, we have looked for information in the following webpages:

ONE MORE THING!!!!!! I recommend you to see this video that explains in a very simple way the maps projections and their characteristics, so it is very easy to understand them

And I also recommend you to visit this page, it shows how to make a treasure hunt for kids and I think it is very interesting and useful for us as future teachers.

Hope it can be useful for you too and that you enjoy it! See you!

Mari Carmen

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Follow us on Twitter

Do you know we are on Twitter? Please, follow us! @TheFluffyGuard #SOyEr1516 #JeffersonTheFluffyGuardian

                                                                                                                                   Published by: Jesús

Monday, 22 February 2016

Week 2 - New week, new roles

As every Monday, our roulette has turned. These are our new roles during this week.

Mari Carmen, our old facilitator, is going to be the journalist. The new analyst is María. Sara is going to be the translator and Pepe the curator. Our star this week is... Teresa, who is going to be helped by our lovely Vicky! (This week there could be two stars instead of only one). Good luck girls! Finally, Jesús is going to have the role of facilitator. Arazgul, who used to be our star last week, will be able to relax a little bit this week. You were fantastic! Thanks!

                                                                                                                      Published by: Jesús

Thursday, 18 February 2016


These are the links of the comments we have written in other blogs:

  1. http://canaltic.com/blog/?p=1677#comment-273942

The last link belongs to a blog of our students' group class

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Task week 1- TPACK

 We've got the role's members distributed through a roulette and our blog done by the facilitator so... it's time to use it!

This week we have worked very well. We have done a mental map of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge answering 4 questions that today, Wednesday, the star have had to expose to the rest of the groups. For that, we have needed the help of all our group's members.

On Monday, in the morning, we thought about how and when we could do the mental map. We looked for many mental maps on the Internet for having an idea of the objective and choose the best one to explain TPACK. In the afternoon, we bought a cardboard and colour papers and we started to do the work. Firstly, we answered the questions that then, we had to represent on the map. After that, we drawed the boxes where we wrote the TPACK's elements and then we cut them for pasting on the cardboard. Also, we looked for images on the Internet such as a computer to express technology or a book to express the content for decorating it.

Here you can see some photos that were taken while we were working:

Today, Wednesday, the star has exposed the map to the rest of the groups and we hope that people liked it!

                                                                                                                                Published by: María

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Let's introduce ourselves!


Our group is formed by:

- Sara Montesinos Román
- Arazgul Allaberdiyeva
- Mari Carmen Pina Lucas
- Teresa Morales Martínez
- Victoria Manzanares Ruiz
- María Romera Pérez
- Pepe Motos Moreno
- Jesús B. Ruiz Fernández

The first day we introduced ourselves to the rest of the class, we said our best and worst characteristics and we showed a picture and draw of ourselves. Here they are!





                                                        Published by: Mari Carmen